
Quality first LED lighting prospect of hospitals

 Since 2011 , Guangdong Province, began issuing energy saving policies , the implementation of favorable policies have led to the city roads , hospitals , schools, libraries and other public lighting places the city 's demand for energy-saving light source in the lighting installation , use LED seems become the first choice of various departments.

All of the light source from the market for now , LED is the most energy-efficient artificial light , replace incandescent , fluorescent, halogen and xenon lamps and other lighting with LED light source , the average energy savings of more than half. Precisely because , LED energy-saving effect is gradually being accepted by the market . Insiders told reporters that in 2014 China's LED both in circulation or engineering sales channels will be made ​​great strides.

Meanwhile , the State Lighting R & D and Industry Alliance Geng Bo , Deputy Secretary-General also believes that if you press the demand for LED 's and their words carry echelon type sort , underground parking , shopping malls , supermarkets , hotels, restaurants belong to the first echelon , office factories belonging to the second echelon , hospitals, libraries followed.

As Geng Bo said, as the city's major public lighting market segments , the hospital has been an important area of ​​LED lighting business concern.


A few years ago , due to the very high price of LED lighting products and the quality is not stable , LED light source in the hospital range is not large . However, under favorable policies to stimulate the industry generally believe that with the steady decline in the price of LED lighting products and product quality , LED lighting products into the hospital imperative.

The second half of 2013 , the Regional People's Hospital of Shenzhen Nanshan , Yantian People's Hospital , several large hospitals have performed on hospital building and other energy-saving LED makeover . Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan and other cities in major hospitals have started companies bidding on LED energy saving.

"LED into the hospital during the hospital side is a positive attitude ." Shenzhen Optoelectronic Design Director billion capsules魏志国In an interview with Engineering "LED lighting channels," said in an interview , as opposed to ordinary home lighting and commercial lighting field hospital for LED lighting product acceptance is much higher.

Market acceptance is an important factor in promoting LED products into the hospital, but the hospital around the clock as needed lighting large electricity itself has all the advantages of energy saving and long life LED lighting products will directly affect the market 's perception of LED products . Wei Zhiguo that, although the purchase cost of the product than ordinary LED lighting traditional higher, but from a long-term perspective , LED lighting and more purchase value.

For example, some time ago , a hospital for the relevant parameters such as surgical lighting power consumption for the corresponding inter- comparison test , the results showed that the overall hospital with LED lights , energy saving effect is remarkable , hospital annual savings of electricity 265,900 degrees, combined with its lamp replacement costs and maintenance costs , the cost advantage is obvious.

Another aspect , more than the number of health care institutions . According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the " 2012 China Health and Family Planning Development Statistics Bulletin " shows the end of 2012 , the national total of 950,297 health care institutions , including hospitals 23,170 , 912,620 primary health care institutions , professional public health agencies 12,083 , other agencies 2424 .

And in all medical institutions , the vast majority of organizations are using incandescent lamps and energy saving lamps can be replaced if the process is changed to LED lighting , the LED 's prospects will be very bright.

Quality first

Although LED applications in medical institutions vast , but currently specialize in the production of LED lighting suitable for hospital companies are not many.

It is understood that the hospital made ​​LED lighting enterprises are 100% Technology Co. , CREP optoelectronics, photovoltaic cells and other Japanese companies . Philips, Osram, NVC, three male and other famous enterprises have also involves hospital lighting projects , but relatively few emerging LED lighting companies , these well-known companies are not dominant .

"Although China's LED industry is developing rapidly , but the brand concentration is not high , the domestic LED does not form some well-known brands , NVC , PAK and other companies also dominate the party in the traditional lighting, but LED technology is almost and other emerging LED enterprises in parallel position . " anonymity of an LED corporate general manager told reporters.

Also, therefore , whether a company has a reputation for customer choice has little effect . It is reported that the quality of products , prices and constraints of both contract customers main factors affecting the choice of products .

In terms of product quality , relative to the normal functional lighting , hospital lighting illumination environments that require more stringent , being so choose better quality products will become inevitable. Shanghai Kai Rui Technology Development Co., Ltd. for a project official said , out of consideration the needs of China 's LED lighting industry will strive to package high-end products and product upgrades direction of the light source .

Any purchase , the price can not be ignored is its element , hospital lighting the same. Difference in quality is not the case , on the trading price of the product plays a decisive impact.

For example, last year, Shenzhen Nanshan People's Hospital, LED energy-saving projects in the transformation process, companies Lehman optoelectronics, 100% Technology Co. , CREP Optoelectronics , Yu Long Tongfang Technology Co., Ltd., are involved in the bid , although competitors are very strong, but 100% Technology Co., eventually 807,950 yuan of the lowest bid .

In addition, the direction of the hospital as an important marketing channel LED engineering contract is reasonable also affect the trading behavior of both sides. "Although the factors affecting hospital lighting very much, but because the hospital renovation projects are generally larger , and the transformation period is relatively long, so once formed partnership , after a two-way cooperation will be more stable , LED lighting companies to before so it will not passive . " Wei Zhiguo said.

Strong limitations

On the use of functions, compared with ordinary civil hospital lighting requirements necessary to consider a variety of treatments , but also consider the patient's response to lighting conditions , so as much as possible to create a harmonious and comfortable place for patients with medical training to become a The main task.

In addition , many hospital departments , large differences in illumination requirements , general lighting , partial lighting , special lighting and other places indicate different functions but also because of different requirements , needs fully into account.

It is understood that the medical hospital lighting including LED lighting and general illumination functional range mainly used for each area includes the wards , operating rooms, waiting rooms and the like.

Shadowless operation , inspection lights, a variety of indoor lighting and so is the hospital routine and necessary lighting.

Medical lighting mainly attributable to the medical device industry , since China started relatively late night time , and therefore production, the overall technological level is relatively low , only a small part of the production of such products , most hospitals with medical lighting products are purchased from abroad. In addition , due to the complexity of medical lighting products certification program , so the progress of LED medical lighting is not ideal , is incompatible with the demand .

In functional lighting products, although there is a strong research and development and production capacity, but because they are not attributable to the medical device industry , the lack of entry- way . Positive result, many hospitals during the transformation process, although the use of LED products , but mostly concentrated in the waiting area and other areas , and other areas like the operating table is still the main use of high CRI traditional halogen lamps .

" Shadowless operating table for the request , including brightness and CRI , shadowless luminosity must be high for CRI requirements must also be 95 or more, and in the light fades consistency , not biased , just maybe , when some lamps use significantly means and brightness can meet the requirements, but after several months of use , prone to light dimmed , significantly weakening phenomenon means . " the general manager of Shenzhen Rui Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. Liu Shan said .

Liu Shan believes a product from R & D to sales market requires at least one cycle of a year or even three to five years , in order to determine if this is not feasible. In use LED shadowless operating table above is still in a preliminary stage of development , not fully put into use, so the hospital put into use to a wide range of LED lamps is also seen.
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