
LED turn competitive price first and quality first ?

LED lighting business has become a major force in the industry , as the country 's emphasis on energy saving lighting companies are restructuring LED, and then tried to take the lead to capture the market opportunities. However, because the LED industry development trend is extremely rapid , LED manufacturers market survival significantly squeezed. From the mid-1990s LED formally put into production applications, a short period of ten years , LED production enterprises has shown explosive growth , according to statistics , only the PRD LED manufacturers reached 2600 . On the one hand the LED industry in the form of good, on the other hand is facing lack of production standards , technical innovation lag, disorderly competition and other issues at the same time , LED companies how to force competition in the market ?
How Brand Strategy strides ?

Whether it is indoor lighting or outdoor lighting , LED production companies are very focused on the influence of its own brand products . LED brand is a powerful enterprise open market channels magic, how to build their own brand value recognized by the market naturally become an effective stepping stone. So how to carry out the brand strategy ? Brand of LED lighting companies each route and what difference ?

LED lighting because of large enterprises enjoy certain advantages in resources and can afford big, then small and medium sized LED manufacturers how to create their own brand of world? SMEs LED 's in order to win the starting line with the large enterprises must understand grab hold together for warmth , to create a resource sharing model. Of course, this can not be limited only to the sharing of resources within the context of the upstream chip lighting companies , midstream and downstream packaging applications , but should be cross- sharing of resources, such as the company's cooperation with the renovation works , and even power companies , installation companies. Previously, Li Ka-shing intervene LED lighting industry, officially opened play LED bulbs nanospheres is the brand under a cross-border resource sharing pattern formation.

Price first and quality first ?

When LED lighting enterprises in marketing tend to be the problem headache. In the end the only first quality or price first CD , because entangled in the problems caused by the current LED market price war intensified, lack of standards , the quality varies greatly chaos to occur. Especially SMEs LED package , both upstream chip manufacturers to face layers of overweight , but also to deal with the downstream application 's bargain , the results lead to these companies were severely squeezed profit margins in order to survive , these LED packaging manufacturers shall not not a " downsizing" from the chip technology, luminescent materials and testing aspects . The vicious cycle will cause the current predicament LED industry .

So, how can completely change this embarrassing but harsh competitive market environment?
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