
Advantages and Disadvantages of LED display industry analysis

Advantages and Disadvantages of LED display industry analysis( 1 ) national industrial policy support
Number of industrial policy of the State Council , the Ministry of Science , Development and Reform Commission and local government proposed to promote the LED industry development and upgrading of industrial structure plays an important role. In the context of industrial policy support , the increasing scale of the industry , becoming a complete industrial chain , to improve the competitiveness of enterprises in the industry , to participate in international competition created good conditions for the emergence of a number of the country is expected to have independent intellectual property rights and core competitiveness backbone enterprises.
( 2 ) a wide range of product applications , market prospects
LED variety of applications in the ascendant , and gradually formed a domestic LED indication , signal and display backlighting and other LED applications hundreds of products, widely used in decorative landscape lighting , large screen display , traffic lights , home appliances and digital display lights, car lights , mobile phones, digital cameras , computers, LCD TV backlighting , and other fields . With the development of technology , LED also appeared in the direction of new applications , such as aerospace, medical , agriculture and so on. LED market share steady growth of various types of applications and the development of new and emerging application areas , creating a good market space for the development of LED industry .
National infrastructure to further expand the bulk of demand in the future China will accelerate the construction of affordable housing projects , speed up rural infrastructure construction, speed railways, highways and airports and other major infrastructure construction, speed up earthquake reconstruction , the scale of investment will have a more substantial increase . These major investments will generate the bulk of the demand for including displays, special lighting , general lighting , landscape lighting , including a variety of LED application products .
( 3 ) industry technology advances , cost reductions will boost the industry needs
Currently, the core subject in the upstream LED devices and other costs, the higher the price of high-end LED display products , large-scale promotion of a certain product display applications obstacles, but with the decline in the cost of technological progress and the breadth , market demand and depth will be further expanded , while the substitution effect will be a greater degree of market release . LED industry chain will achieve positive interaction between upstream and downstream , new products, new technology application quickly and display applications industry's market will be further subdivided , the industry 's market capacity will be further enhanced.
( 4 ) the downstream industry standards continue to improve, develop into the direction of standardization
With the application of LED display applications more widely, its downstream applications such as outdoor advertising , stadiums and so gradually established a related management practices, such as Beijing and Nanjing, has drawn up a " Beijing electronic display setting norms" and "Nanjing outdoor electronic display regulations" , the State Sports General Administration also issued a " stadium equipment requirements and test methods ( part 1: LED display ) ." In addition , the Ministry of Railways , Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Public Security also established standards corresponding LED display applications. Established above industry standards and specifications , will help to promote the orderly and standardized LED display industry development .
Unfavorable factors
Lack of ( 1 ) technical personnel
LED application products manufacturing involves optical, thermal , materials science , electronics , computers, software , automation, mechanical engineering , decorative arts and other subjects , and the need of the above disciplinary system use , and thus the technical personnel of the knowledge structure , technology and the overall quality made ​​high demands. In addition , the implementation of LED product application solutions highly skilled and experienced personnel requirements , the same LED display products and display will be different because of the level of solution implementation . The current domestic class talent, especially high-end research and development, and technical personnel is also relatively scarce , if hired foreign experts will significantly increase the cost , so the lack of technical personnel have some impact on the development of the domestic LED industry.
( 2 ) serious blind investment and low
Currently many places the semiconductor lighting energy industry as the focus of industrial development , intensify support , but also the existence of blind investment and low-level construction of the phenomenon , some local governments in spite of the economic benefits of road lighting blindly transformation, over- investment landscape lighting leading industry disorderly competition , product quality varies greatly, serious waste of resources , impact on consumer confidence , is not conducive to the healthy development of the industry . Disorderly market competition often leads companies to ignore technological progress and product quality improvement, less investment in research and development .

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