
Selection of full-color LED display elements Introduction

With the development of science and technology, we also have a TV gradually replaced the original black and white color , and its radiation performance compared to the previous TV is also greatly reduced, especially the recent popularity of LED full color display to says it uses the most advanced high-end light-emitting materials and high-quality special IC chip , not only show good results , but the large viewing angle display more fluid , has occupied a leading position in the current display market .
Main components of LED full color display has a power switch ( responsible powered LED display full color display ), scanning control board ( responsible for data buffering ) , a display unit ( which is part of the display screen ) , metallic structural framework ( control LED constitute the framework of full color display ) , twisted pair cable ( data transmission ) , the main controller ( responsible for data buffering and combinations and generate various control signals ) , dedicated graphics cards and multimedia cards ( whose role is more on the computer display card similar functions ) , and other components , but with the constant development in recent years, LED full color display , the current full-color LED display on the market in terms of quality and price are good and bad, so if you want to buy LED full color display , the top priority attention to the following points:

1 , display brightness LED full color display

We know full color LED display screen is by the light emitting diode emits light to achieve imaging results, so once the brightness is not enough, it shows the poor quality of its diode , usually for LED brightness for indoor full color display to control the brightness of 800cd/m2 or more, while the outdoor requirements are higher, and usually 1500 cd/m2 or more.

2, LED full color display whether the balance

Zhengzhou Feng Shuo LED display Shun Hing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. introduced , we know that if you want to show white display , it is needed by the red, green and blue colors to fit the proportion 1:4.6:0.16 able to show up , so If it does not display the precise control of the control system , then it is easy to appear yellowish , greenish , bluish and other white display.

3 , if there is not change the color of the pixel full color LED display

We know that the image is displayed full color LED display is a small point by a luminous color composition of these small points are not fixed, if the display image needs some small dots appear as white , these little white pixels will be displayed , If one of these images need to display the red dots , these dots and need to become red , so as to have a single pixel if some necrosis appears on the display with the received image effects , these will affect display pixels display screen or some constants normally black state, and the main cause of this phenomenon is due to the quality of its decisions die .

4 , whether full color LED display color transition

That runner color display pixels of two adjacent lot , resulting in uncoordinated display , and the main cause of this phenomenon is mainly due to the full -color LED display control system for poor reasons.

5, LED full color display surface is flat

Zhengzhou Feng Shuo LED display Shun Hing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. pointed out at the time of purchase of full-color LED display if you find that the surface is very rough, and also appeared locally convex , etc. , then these will affect the full-color LED display display quality , resulting in distortion of the display screen , thus like this type of full color LED display , do not buy , generally speaking full-color LED display surface flatness to the lusm 1mm or less .

6, LED full color display color reproduction

Also refers to the color reproduction and consistent color display received appears to keep its color , or not called to restore order to ensure the authenticity of the effect of LED display

flexible led strip    led strip

